Eukhost Ltd

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Average Rating: 2.62

Based on 5 user reviews

5 User Reviews:

  1. January 27, 2012

    Eduardo ( rated Eukhost Ltd 5 stars.

    Been using their services since 2008. I have a VDS (Semi-Dedicated) and I have been very happy with the pricing and the support.

    The uptime is also very good. I recommend them to all my friends.

  2. August 27, 2010

    Marco Demaio ( rated Eukhost Ltd 4 stars.

    I have been uisng their ultracheap COPPER hosting plan with cPanel fro about 2 years. So far I can say I’m happy.

  3. July 4, 2009

    Sam Martin ( rated Eukhost Ltd 3.5 stars.

    While uptime of the website itself seems reasonable, we’ve been unable to resolve issues with their pop3 server, partly due to ill trained support staff who seem to have difficulty grasping the problem.

    Unfortunately our overall impression is such that we’ll be moving to another host.

  4. April 29, 2008

    Day TM ( rated Eukhost Ltd 4.5 stars.

    Running a number of domains on the service – great value, quick response to support queries, marking them down from 10 as they changed the security settings on my account which disabled the back-end of one of my CMS. They soon sorted it out though when I dropped them a ticket. Up time’s been pretty solid, sometimes connecting to FTP takes a few seconds, but otherwise, a top notch, low budget UK based host. Would happily recommend.

  5. October 6, 2007

    Jack Russell (no link provided) rated Eukhost Ltd 4 stars.

    eUKhost delivers the ultimate solution for all your hosting needs. Whether you need to host multiple websites or database intensive applications, We have a Dedicated Server to match your needs.

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